Services Offered
We are a full-service veterinary hospital focused on providing the best care for your furry family members!

View Our Services:
With our patient-centered approach, we strive to combine noninvasive, supportive therapies with advanced medical and surgical techniques. We provide excellent service in a calm and inviting environment while working hand in hand with our clients to create a personalized health care plan for each patient.
Physical Examination / Consultation
At South Lafourche Veterinary Clinic, we recommend having your pets examined by a veterinarian every year. This allows the veterinarian to evaluate your animal’s physical state and pinpoint any abnormalities that indicate current or future disease. Discussing these abnormalities keeps you abreast of your animal’s health. Our team will help you create a detailed plan to improve or maintain your fur baby’s health whenever needed.
Microchipping is a safe procedure that implants a tiny chip underneath your pet’s skin. It is virtually painless, fast, and provides an effective means of returning your pet to you if ever lost. A microchip is not a GPS tracker for your pet; it must be registered with your personal information. If ever your pet is lost, the chip can be scanned by any veterinarian or animal shelter so that they can return your pet directly to you. In any situation where your pet is separated from you, such as a natural disaster, your pet could be held at a shelter and could be put to sleep without the ability to locate an owner. In these instances, a microchip can be the difference between life and death.
Dental Radiology (X-ray)
Things aren’t always as they seem, especially with teeth. Visibly normal teeth can have the underlying disease only detectable via X-ray. Full mouth radiographs are recommended along with dental cleaning annually to completely evaluate all oral structures, especially the alveolar bones that anchor the teeth to the jaw.
Ultrasound is a non-invasive way of evaluating your pet’s internal organs with the use of sound waves. The vets at South Lafourche Veterinary Clinic use ultrasound as a diagnostic aid to visualize certain things that are not visible with an X-ray. As in humans, it is also used in pregnancy to evaluate the health of the fetus.
Exotic Animal Consultation and Treatment
Dr. Alexandrea Baudy specializes in treating extraordinary pets such as birds, small mammals (guinea pigs, hedgehogs, hamsters, etc.), reptiles, and miniature pigs. Exotic pets should have physical examinations done annually. They have special nutritional and environmental needs that are essential to their health and survival. Come in and see Dr. Alex for a consultation about your exotic pet. She is always excited to see these unusual pets!
Preventative Medicine and Vaccines
Prevention is the best medicine! Along with a thorough yearly physical examination, monthly medications to prevent common parasites such as heartworms, fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites are recommended. Heartworm disease is endemic in Louisiana and is potentially fatal. It is transmitted by mosquitoes, making indoor and outdoor cats and dogs susceptible to infection.
We carry multiple options for your pet’s needs. Revolution is our first choice for our feline patients as it is a topical medication that prevents heartworms and fleas. We have multiple options for our canine patients, including:
- Trifexis, a monthly oral tablet that prevents heartworms and fleas.
- Heartguard, a monthly beef-flavored chew which prevents heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms.
- Interceptor, a monthly chicken-flavored chew that prevents heartworms and treats multiple intestinal parasites
- Revolution (for dogs) and Proheart 6, an injection that prevents heartworms for six months.
Fleas are a nuisance and can lead to an allergic skin reaction and transmit tapeworms. Ticks transmit blood-borne illnesses and Lyme disease. Monthly medication to prevent these external parasites is also recommended. As Revolution prevents heartworms and fleas, it is our #1 choice for prevention for cats. Simparica and Nexgard are very similar drugs that are safe for preventing fleas, tick, and treatment of Demodectic mange in dogs. Revolution and Trifexis are also great combination medications for the prevention of heartworms and fleas.
Vaccinations are an important part of pet wellness. Just as in humans, vaccines are given to pets to build their immunity to common diseases and prevent severe illness. It is important to discuss vaccination scheduling and requirements for your region with your veterinarian. Come in and talk to one of our helpful vets about your pet’s vaccine needs.
Periodontal (Dental) disease is the most common disease in adult dogs and cats, causing bad breath, difficulty eating, and secondary diseases of the heart, liver, and kidneys. Daily brushing of teeth and using oral health-promoting treats is recommended, along with yearly dental cleanings. This procedure is very similar to having your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist. The only difference is that the patient is under anesthesia. We use a state-of-the-art, high-speed dental scaling unit to remove calculus and tartar above and below the gum line. All teeth are polished and sealed with a tartar blocking paste. Call or come in to discuss the benefits of dental cleanings and to book an appointment.
Diagnostic Laboratory
We have the ability to perform in-house testing, including but not limited to complete blood counts, serum chemistries, and thyroid testing. This is an invaluable tool that allows for quick diagnosis of diseases and better guidance for treating these diseases.
South Lafourche Veterinary Clinic is proud to provide Cut Off and the surrounding communities with state-of-the-art veterinary surgical procedures. Drs. Chris and Alex Baudy are well trained in general surgery and utilize the highest standard of care in all procedures performed. We are always happy to discuss your pet’s upcoming surgical procedure and answer all of your questions.
Equine Preventative Care and Coggins Testing
Dr. Alexandrea Baudy is USDA accredited to perform Coggins Tests on horses along with health certificates for small and large animals. She also does vaccinations and physical examinations for horses.